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“The Dazzlings thought’s on people saying shit like “oh Aria is boring, I hate her!” or “but she doesn’t like tacos” or “She shouldn’t even be in the movie…” and then they say they love the Dazzlings, but they treat Aria like shit, it kind of disgusts me.
She’s not heartless and emotionless, you idiots, she’s just as important and has feelings. So what if she didn’t yell tacos? Or lead the other two? She’s there for support and often begs the question if Adagio needs to think further about what she’s planning. There always needs to be a double-checker, ya know? She’s the rational one, and if she thinks Sonata is getting too distracted and not paying attention to the plan, she let’s her know in order for the plans to go through properly. Their music would sound very empty without her. I provide the fanvoice for her, in a way, I know her personally. She’s not a “bland, uninteresting, heartless.” character. She’s smart, laid-back, and supportive and she’s just as important as her sisters. “
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