I hope you like it nonetheless!
In my verse, not every pony stays in Ponyville at all times, and Rarity leaves for a “business-trip” for quite a long time.
But, she does eventually come back, and finds out what her old friends have been up to.
Fluttershy has a brief period where she lives with Bulk Bicep in Clouds Dale, close to Fluttershy’s parents, but they eventually come back to Ponyville too.
Rainbow Dash lives in her cloud mansion with Soarin, and visits Ponyville ever so often, when she’s not busy being a Wonder Bolt.
Pinkie Pie still helps out at Sugar Cube Corner, and her and Cheese Sandwich start their own baking-business along the way, specified in making party-cakes and such.
They eventually opens their own shop with party arrangements, planning, and catering!
Apple Jack lives at Sweet Apple Acres with the whole big family of Big Mac, Cheerilee, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, and all the eventual foals that come along.
Once Rarity does settle back in Ponyville, a very good old friend decides to pay her a visit;
Rarity had just finished cleaning up the boutique, when she heard a knock on her door.
Being back in ponyville after spending 6 months in both Manehatten and Canterlot to visit her stores and prepare for new expansions, had her really excited to see who was coming to see her.
While being away from Ponyville had been rough, she also felt like it was what she needed to find herself and “grow up”.
Everypony around her was either getting engaged, having foals, moving or starting their own businesses, and Rarity felt like she had been so caught up in the boutiques lately, she might as well see where putting all
her time in them would lead her!
But now, she was finally ready to go back to Ponyville to see how everypony was doing, and perhaps find out what she’d do for the future - or more exact; which store she’d put her full attention on.
And Sassy Saddle and Coco Pommel had handled their respective stores so well, Rarity was almost certain she knew which one it would be.
She had already told Twilight of her return, and the alicorn had been stoked to hear all about her trip, and had told Rarity she would be over as soon as possible.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were both expecting their first foals, and had even gotten engaged! - and so they had travelled back to Clouds Dale for the time being, wanting the support and guidance from their families, but they had both sent letters
saying they’d be there to greet her.
Apple Jack was busy taking care of newborn Bramsley Apple, but Rarity knew AJ would be over as soon as she caught whiff of her return - which was good, as Rarity was excited to hear how Apple Jack and Caramel were doing.
Pinkie Pie had been the first to even see Rarity get off the train, claiming her “pinkie sense” had been tickling her all morning, and therefor she knew Rarity was coming home.
Another knock on the door brought Rarity out of her musing. Being an element of harmony, it felt weird to not having seen anypony from the gang for so long, so she happily trotted to the door - tail held high.
“Welcome darling! It’s so good to~~”
Rarity swallowed her words as her doorway was blocked by a big scaly, purple figure.
When Rarity had left, Spike had been… bigger for sure, but now he was huge. Standing on all four, with his goofy grin occupied by a giftbasket filled with diamonds.
“Hrey Hrahity! I chafnt behiefe hur fhirary hom!”
Spike sat down the basket on Rarity’s doorstep, and pulled her into a warm hug, cradling her against his neck which he snaked around her.
“Spike! Oh my goodness, you’re enormous!”
Rarity happily hugged him back, and her eyes glanced to the giftbasket on the ground.
“Oh, surely you didn’t bring all those for me? Spike! That’s too much!”
Spike let go of Rarity and gingerly scratched the back of his headspikes with a frontpaw.
“It’s not! Really! I’ve been collecting these specifically for you! Maud even helped out to find the ones in the best condition!”
Spike smiled warmly at her and shot her a goofy grin.
Rarity inspected the basket, and then her scaly visitor with warm eyes.
“Well, thank you so much Spikey-Wikey, I really appreciate it”
She opened the door and stepped aside ~~ “would you like to come in? Want something to eat? A diamond perhaps?”
She picked the basket up with her magic and brought it inside, Spike following behind her, having a little bit of trouble getting through the door.
“Nah, I’m good. I just really wanted to see you! How was your trip? How is Sassy and Coco doing? How long are you staying for?”
Rarity shook her head at Spike’s onslaught of questions, and giggled happily to herself.
“Well, the trip was good! I learned a lot, took some courses in business management, met up with the high-end of fashion ponies! It was wonderful”
She turned around to face Spike, and he sat down on the ground in front of her, having some difficulties manoeuvring around with his tail.
“Coco and Sassy are doing fine, in fact, I think they might be.. frolicking” - she said with a slight girly grin, as if having told a big secret at a sleepover.
“So nice to know that everypony is finding somepony special! And I heard Dash and Shy are having foals?”
Spike smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah! And Apple Jack just had her foal about 3 weeks ago! The lil’ guy is a strong one, that’s for sure! You really must see him and AJ soon”
Rarity looked a little sad for a moment. She had been gone for almost half a year, and her friends had changed without her - for the better of course, but she felt a little sad knowing she hadn’t been here.
“What’s the matter Rarity? Are you okay?”
Rarity picked up her ears and looked at Spike - “Oh, of course! I’m just so happy the girls have come so far with everything, and I can’t wait to see them.”
She shot him a determined smile, and used her magic to lift the basket filled with diamonds over.
“In fact, if you don’t mind, I think I would like to use these to make everypony a special gift - one for you too of course, Spike darling”.
“Of course! They’re a gift after all, so you can do whatever you want with them! And I think that’s a great idea!”
Yes, all her friends really had grown up and taken steps in their lifes. Rarity had too after all! Her business was booming, she was the talk of couture among high-society ponies, and she had amazing friends who were
there to support her. Speaking of;
“Did Twilight not want to come over? Her previous letter insinuated she would be coming over today, so I’m surprised to see you alone Spike?”
Spike blinked and swallowed, rearing his head high and folding his ears back.
“She, um, she is coming over! I just.. didn’t tell… her that.. I left.”
Rarity shot him a weird look - “Why ever not? You two were always together.. oh no, did something happen! Are you two fighting?!”
Spike lifted his frontpaws in defence and shook his head - “No! No fighting, we’re, eh, thick as thieves! Heh.. I just wanted to.. see you.. alone. I really missed you Rarity, I hope it’s okay?”
Rarity blushed at this. She knew Spike had had feelings for her when they were younger, but always counted it as a “kiddy-crush” more than anything else.
Rarity had never considered what it had meant, and perhaps never considered the things they had done together - said to each other.
But seeing Spike now; grown and very much matured, she wondered if it had been serious for the dragon - and maybe, if it had been serious for her.
They had all grown up, matured, changed. Spike was larger, but also more rough looking, with a deep, booming voice that he was so very proud of.
He was still very much a pony-dragon, and wasn’t quite as aggressive as the other dragons, so was it so weird Rarity felt a faint flutter in her chest when looking at him right now?
Was it odd of her to want to know what his scales felt like if brushed against? or if that adorable spike-goatee would scratch her if they… kissed?
Rarity felt the tip of her ears getting hot, and her blush spread on her face - “Oh Spike, darling, you’re always welcome here! And I am happy to see you, after all, I missed you too~”
Spike smiled one of his love-smitten smiles she had grown so accustomed to when they were younger, but at was more handsome and less cute now.
There was that faint flutter again, only this time it was more like a bird flapping it’s wings violently.