Rarity : “Oh no, it looks like it’s going to rain! I’m wearing silk, it simply CAN’T get wet!”
Twilight : “Looks like you’re right, Rarity..”
Rainbow Dash : “Yikes, and it’s gonna be pretty heavy too, awesome!”
Fluttershy : “Oh my…”
Applejack : “Come on, guys, lets get outta here. Warm cider back at the farm!”
Rainbow Dash : “YE-AH!”
Pinkie : “Fluttershy, lets go! Watcha standing around for?”
Fluttershy : “Umm..”
Rarity : “You’ll get positively soaked, darling, we shouldn’t wait around much longer.”
Fluttershy : “Oh.. Well.. You guys go ahead.. I’ll catch up..”
Twilight : “You sure?”
Fluttershy : “Uhm.. Yes, very.”
Rainbow Dash : “Whatevs! More for me! Come on guys!”
Pinkie : “Yay yay!”
Twilight : “See you later, Fluttershy, try not to get wet!”
Fluttershy : “Heh.. Okay.. I won’t… Get too wet..”