Applejack: Say uhh, d’ya feel alright? Is’your belly okay?
Sunset: Yeah yeah it’s fine. I just feel a bit strange at this slightly bigger size and- Oof! -my stomach still feels a little sore from being so full.
Applejack: Tell ya what, sugarcabe, Ya’ll go an’ rest in the livin’ room. I’ll fix up some warm, soothin’ apple cider for ya.
Sunset: (sigh) Thanks AJ. That’ll be just the thing I- (wedged in the living room door) -need. Hhhnnnngg! Oooooohh! (Sigh) Are these doors getting smaller or is it just me?
Applebloom then walks in from out of nowhere.
Applebloom: Uhh… do I need ta ask what’s happenin’?
Applejack: It’s a long story. I’ll tell ya later. Right now, could ya push Sunset through here.
Applebloom: Uhh, sure. (Starts pushing) Jeez, your butt is so large and squishy-like, it’s like a giant water bed.
Sunset: (sigh) Can you not? Keep pushing!