So remember the episode Cakes for the memories? It’s essentially part of a short run patch of episodes that cover the magical Scrapbook Starlight gives Twilight at her coronation in The Last Problem. In this episode, Pinkie Pie has Twilight Taste test her new special “taste/ memory formula”, which can bring to whoever tastes it memories from way back when.
In short, it’s an excuse to run clip shows from previous episodes starting WAY back in Season 1. Although I can buy these clip show episodes since they tie into the magical scrapbook and how Starlight was able to put together such a book.
Although with all the tweets Pinkie gave Twilight, I have to wonder…..
How many calories are in that formula?
Well….. here’s what I think…… ALOT.
As you can see, Pinkie has been Too generous with those new desserts she’s made for Twilight. And it shows. Equestria’s new ruler has gained herself a very plump belly, thick soft body and a huge pair of pillow like flanks. Looks like Princess Twilight needs to lay off the sweets for a while.
Followup: >>2345375
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