Yes, to see one was quite a sight; to see a whole grove, however, that was for her eyes alone.
Her name had long since been lost to time, as she slithered endlessly among her grove. A tail that could have encircled several infinities wound between the trees of countless realities, her scales displaying a series of apples connected to the same stem from the tail’s tip until it reached her hips, where an explosion of flesh seemed to have taken place. Her waistline was several times thicker than her tail, with her rump sporting a trio of apples on each cheek. Her body narrowed one more afterward, only for her chest to balloon outward into a pair of breasts the gave even her massive rear a run for its money. Even her muscular torso seemed woefully insufficient to hold the immense bosom aloft, yet it clearly did, as she moved along without issue through the grove.
Her slithering came to a stop, however, as she looked up at one of the trees she tended, a smile slowly spreading upon her face.
Like all trees, World Trees produced seeds; though, strangely, and possibly as a result of her influence, their seeds came in the form of apples. Several of them glistened and glowed among this particular tree’s branches, but one shown more brightly than the rest. A vibrant red hue emanated from within it, signaling it was ripe for the picking.
With a care and ease born of thousands of eternities of practice, she wound herself around the World Tree’s base to scale it, ascending higher an higher until her head was brushing against the realms within it. Her hand reached up and gently grasped the apple, twisting it as the pulled down to free it without harming the reality that had spawned it. Her tail’s grip on the tree loosened as she lowered herself to the ground, finally releasing it entirely as she looked at the fruit in her hand.
Then, her mouth opened, and a set of gleaming white teeth bit into the fruit.
As with all apples, the seeds were within the core, and the rest was sweet and juicy and provided quite the impressive variety of flavor as she happily snacked as she slithered through her grove once more, heading to one spot in particular.
By the time she reached her destination, the apple had been reduced to nothing more than the aforementioned core and she was looking excited. In a space devoid of nearby trees, she set the core down, then encircled it with her coils. The surface began to glow as she enclosed it, taking on the same red hue of the apple, before the brightness of it increased tenfold, then one hundredfold, then a thousandfold! Through it all, however, she kept watch, the brightness nothing to her eyes, until it finally started to fade away.
In the apple’s place, there was not a multicolored sprig of a tree, a sapling that had just taken root and would grow under her watchful eye. Until, one day, it too would be another World Tree within her grove.