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I did this a while ago, it is getting warmer and I’m feeling like doing traditional art again (it’s my weird thing, I can’t do traditional when it’s cold, especially watercolor)I really liked how it looked, I haven’t used the 12 watercolor cakes set I got in september (what a genius CPC, why did you bought new watercolors in the beggining of the Fall when it’s getting colder?!) They are much more desaturated than my the watercolor crayons from carand’ache I normally use, I like them and I think combining them in the future will be interestingAlso, I’m doing a sketchbook, the paper is almost ok for watercolor, but no really. It doesn’t really have any texture and although it’s thick paper, it doesn’t really handle that much water, it’s starts feathering 8i hope that that’s the right term). Not that it will stop me from dong watercolors in it, I do whatever I want no matter what the paper tells me


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