The Hu-Mane 7 have just returned from a fun-filled weekend at the Starswirl Music Festival. Parking Rarity’s RV outside of her house, they elect to spend one more night in the RV before heading home the next day. However, Rarity has noticed that the RV’s interior has become rather messy during the festival. Not wanting to clean it all by herself, she considers asking one of her friends to help her out, but quickly dismisses the idea upon realizing that none of them would volunteer. Eventually, Rarity decides to use something she learned in psychology class at school and hypnotize one of the girls in their sleep into being her maid for the day. She eventually settles on Sunset and succeeds in giving the fiery-haired girl (while she is still sleeping) a suggestion that turns her into an obedient, perky maid from the moment she wakes up to a set time in the evening. Rarity is satisfied with her decision, but feels slightly guilty about it and begins to think up ways to make it up to Sunset when the day is done….