Pinkie sat at the table, flipping through the pages of a photo album. Each glossy picture made her smile and some made her giggle. She loved happy memories.
The next page had a picture of the cake twins, not even a day after they were born, snuggled together and swaddled tight in baby blankets. Pinkie squeaked in delight; they were so cute! A picture below it showed them at their first birthday; what a fun party to plan! She flipped through a few more pages of pictures; a play date with flurry heart, their first day of school, baking with their parents, their cutecineras, one of the last times she was asked to foalsit …
Pinkie sniffled. She hadn’t even realized she was crying. She attempted to knock herself out of it by continuing to flip through the book. Time passes, things don’t say the same forever, they were going to grow up eventually, she tells herself. But none of the following pictures of sweet moments and fun parties could stop the tight feeling in her chest.
She still spends time with them; they all live in the same house for goodness sake. So what’s the problem? Save the tears for when they move away! But I can’t give them tickles and tummy kisses anymore. I can’t sing them to sleep, or feed them from a bottle. They don’t need me.
Pinkie blinked, the realization hitting her like a train. She misses taking care of babies. She misses tiny muzzle snuggles and and little foal squeaks. She considered her options for a few moments.
She and her lovely, fun-tastic wives had been married for about a year and a half, and ‘together’ even longer. Was that enough time? Would it be okay … ?
Pinkie stood and paced a little, stopping to poke at the rug with her hoof and clear her throat.
“Yes dear?” Rarity was the first to answer, Pinkie’s pacing having drawn her attention.
She cleared her throat again. She wanted to choose her words carefully and stay calm, unlike her usual excited babbling. This had to be perfect. “Uh … I wanted to ask you all something”
Noticing the change in her demeanor, her partners looked up from what they were doing. Rainbow Dash shot Applejack a quizzical glace, who simply shrugged in response as Twilight and Fluttershy shared a concerned one. Rarity spoke up again, “go on, we’re listening.”
“Well … Pound and Pumpkin have grown quite a lot, and don’t really need me anymore … “ she paused. “Imissbabiescanwehaveababy?”
Well. There goes ‘perfect.’
The following moments seemed to last an eternity, especially to Pinkie, who never did well with silence.
Finally, Fluttershy gently nudged Applejack out of the way so she could stand and embrace the tense pink pony. “I can’t speak for everypony, but … I’d love to have a baby with you Pinkie.”
She visibly relaxed at the touch, tears now flowing freely, and the words seemed to shake everypony else out of their stupor.
“Ah think … ah’d like that too.” Applejack said, getting a little teary-eyed herself.
“Oh my! Goodness, is this really happening? We- I-” Rarity fanned herself with her hoof. “Yes! Let’s have a baby!”
Twilight, not able to make any noise besides a quiet squawking, lit up her horn and yanked a book off the shelf behind her without even looking; a book about preparing for the ‘pitter patter’ of little hooves.
“Sure; I wouldn’t mind the chance to take another little pony under my wing and teach ‘em the ropes” Dash said, shooting off the couch to strike a few heroic and very awesome poses. “Our foals’ll be the coolest!”
Everypony laughed, and any tension still left in the room dissolved away.
Rarity suddenly gasped and galloped into the other room, trotting back with a camera floating over her head. “We simply must capture this momentous occasion on film. Twilight dear, there will be time for that later.” She said, urging her wife to put the book down.
As they gathered for the picture, sniffles and giggles abound, Rainbow Dash smiled teasingly at Applejack.
“Pff, I thought you only cried on the inside” she said, patting her wife on the back.
Applejack wiped at her face, but grinned just the same. “Not when more precious little apples’ll be on the way!”
Pinkie squealed with sheer joy “I love you guys!” She said, and laughed as she was bombarded with a chorus of ‘we love you too’s