I just had to make this version, I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t. Twilight was originally going to have rainbow-striped socks, but I scrapped that idea, the image was starting to become too busy and every time I drew them, they looked like crap anyway. I also scrapped some other ideas, like Twilight wrapping her wet panties around Dash’s head to drive her completely lusty.
This took ages too, but not as long as the first image. Again, if you see something odd, let me know. Maybe I’ll fix it. I know that, like Dash’s, Twilight’s body isn’t completely proportional. I suck at proportions. And facial expressions. I traced Twilight’s face from a screencap, because I couldn’t make the bedroom eyes work otherwise.
I have an idea for a sequel, but I don’t know if I ever draw it.
Well, enjoy it.