What is a smile? An expression of delight. Showing of happiness. Something that is shown when, being tickled for example. Or when someone gives you your favorite type of cupcake. Id smile to that. I smile to a lot of things. The little things in life. And the smiles I see on other ponies faces. I make it my duty, to put a smile on everyponies face, as it makes me happy. But Does it?
Do I neglect myself in order to achieve a smile from everypony? Is it that im so tunnel visioned into getting a smile, that I forget to be happy myself? Could I be walking around in a shell, only there to make others happy, but remain locked up from what im truly feeling? Id rather see others happy, them myself. Makes me feel worth while if I can do that, even if im not happy at all.
Parties Smiles Friends?
Am I happy? Or am I just hiding from something that is hidden right under my hooves
This was a 5.5 hour master work. This pic was recorded, and can be seen on my youtube! Video can be seen via the link below