It is beautiful Thursday morning in Cloudsdale. We join with Winger who’s flying around on this “city of the skies”.
Winger: Wow Cloudsdale sure looks magnificent nowadays, than how I remembered it last time I checked. Everything here just looks so modern now. Hmm maybe I should buy a little souvenir for Silveena. Yeah, I bet she’ll appreciate good present from her…
Winger got shocked by a sudden noise, he turned his head to see the source of loud voice, only to realise that he’s heading towards another pegasi pony! With not enough time to make an evasive action due to both of them flying too fast to do such thing, Winger and that another pegasus end up screaming until they both hit their noggins with each other, resulting both ponies falling straight down. Luckily there was a cloud floor beneath them, and given how soft and comfy the clouds usually are, the impact was comparable like falling on a thick snow bed. And because of that, both ponies didn’t get any major damages on their bodies - well except some massive headache from that collision if nothing less. That another pegasus (who’s name is Cloudchaser BTW) slowly started regaining her consciouness.
Cloudchaser: URGH! You should watch where you’re flying buddy!
Winger shook his head to regain focus and responded.
Winger: Well, you could’ve done the same thing.
Cloudchaser: Sigh Whatever, I’m already late of attending in Wonderbolts Academy. I don’t want to be tardy everytime, it won’t look good on my records.
Winger looked at Cloudchaser with deep interest. She noticed it and said:
Cloudchaser: What?
Winger: Your name’s Cloudchaser, isn’t it?
Cloudchaser: Yeah it is. How’d you know that?
Winger: Well Rainbow Dash told me when she was…
Cloudchaser: Wait! You know Rainbow Dash!?
Winger: Uhh yeah, she’s old friend of mine.
Cloudchaser: OHMYGOSH, I can’t believe that I met somepony who’s friends with THAT Rainbow Dash! She’s like the best flier of all the Equestria, no wonder she’s one of the lead ponies in the academy!
Winger: Nervous smile Ooh boy. She must be one of her “fans” apparently.
Cloudchaser: Sorry about that. But me and others in the academy admire her so much, and we still wonder why she’s not the real Wonderbolt yet, she would totally be one already if you ask me.
Winger: Heh, non-taken. I have to say you have pretty rad looking mane.
Cloudchaser: Wow, you mean it? That’s the first time when somepony compliments my hair.
Winger: Yeah I’m serious with that.
Cloudchaser & Winger: Short laughter
Cloudchaser: Whoop! Gotta go, I’m late. Oh hey, when I’m free, can we meet again on some café in here? I want to know more about you and Rainbow’s friendship.
Winger: Yeah sure. When till then I’m done with my own responsibilities.
Cloudchaser: What responsibilities?
Winger: I have a family.
Cloudchaser: Oh. Good for you. Well see ya later!
Winger: Bye!
Winger waves to Cloudchaser as she continues to fly to Wonderbolts Academy.
Winger: Gotta admit, she’s one pretty interesting pony. Now where was I? Oh, that souvenir, yeah right.