This one is Rainbow Dash, and the contents of her purse. Rarity designed outfit and purse. Rainbow Dash is kind of embarrassed about carrying around a purse in the first place, but she’s doing it for Rarity’s sake.
Purse contents, left to right, top to bottom:
Headband- In case there are sports-things to do.
Chapstick- Strawberry-flavored
Wallet- Daring-Do-themed wallet; a present from her parents.
Keychain- Canterlot High-School’s horseshoe symbol. The key is for the sports-equipment shed at school.
Photo- RD takes this nearly everywhere with her, even though she’d never let on.
Phone and earbuds- She listens to power-ballads during her down-time.
Deodorant- It took her parents a long time to convince RD that this is a necessary item. RD is now more aware of her own hygiene (thanks, in part, to her friends ) .
Tickets- One for a soccer match, the other for a rock concert. Both have already happened, RD just forgot to take them out of her purse.