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Page 1233 - Fools Rush In
That’s absolutely something Rarity’s player would do, I think - give herself a Good-aligned foil in the family to counterbalance her initially and ostensibly Evil character. Create a point of tension should her secret life ever be revealed to her family.
DM: <roll> …You don’t seem to pass by Cozy Glow on your way down to the lower level.
Sandbar (AJ): So much for talking her out of this…
Gallus (RD): Well, yeah! She’s clearly insane!
Apple Bloom: First things first! If there’s anypony that would know how to dismantle some kinda magic-drainin’ vortex, it’s Headmare Starlight!
Sandbar (AJ): Umm… Any volunteers to try and get her free, then?
DM: Sweetie Belle charges ahead.
Smolder (RT): What? No! I mean yes, she absolutely would, but no!
Sandbar (AJ): I was kinda being sarcastic…
Silverstream (PP): She “would” charge in? You mean she didn’t grow up to be a fancy girl like her big sister?
Smolder (RT): None of us are too fancy for adventure. But the problem is, she’s… very Good-aligned. And not experienced enough to spot an obvious trap.
Sandbar (AJ): Is Starlight awake? Can we hear her at all?
DM: No, she’s muted, but you can see her panicking as Sweetie Belle crosses the circle’s threshold. The reason why Starlight is worried becomes very clear… as magical claws sprout from the orb and try to yank Sweetie Belle up into it.
Sandbar (AJ): Mine?
Smolder (RT): SOMEBODY’S!

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