Now that you feel more grounded, you take a bit to think about yourself and your situation. Here you are, on an alien planet, with both a very dangerous environment and strange ponies, who saved you from your own incompetence, and are giving you a second chance. How did you even get here? You try to piece it together… but you can’t. Everything beforehand was too hazy… trying hard to recollect memories, they’re swamped by the several days of you living in isolation, starving and cold. Before you can continue, Rarity speaks. “So you can’t move boulders?” Looking at her, the materials have stopped moving while she seems disappointed. Maybe she’s talking about when you stumbled over that cart when you thought it had food. “What about acid?” When you projectile vomited. “Teleportation?” Okay, you don’t know where that came from. “All the rumors though, they said you walked with total confidence, like you weren’t scared of anypony.”
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