With a figure similar to Apple Brown Betty, Yona towers above her fellow students, propositioning scaroused boys with a sultry foreign accent and a shameless, eager flash of her voluptuous, pudgy body underneath. Too mesmerized by her large, naked tits and chubby gut jiggling into full view to respond in any way, she takes the bulge in their pants as a yes and hoists them up onto her shoulders, carrying them somewhere private.
Due to her not knowing her own strength, only the sturdiest of himbos would come out of a lovemaking session with Yona unscathed. Even with her enormous ass padded with enough soft fat to wobble from simply walking, there’s also enough muscle for it to devastate, demolish, and destroy whatever it impacts into with brutal effeciency. Yona would call this ‘natural Yakyakistan strength’, but to others, especially the ones who manage to survive her advances, they would label it a ‘weapon of mass destruction’.
To put it simply, Yona pretty much embodies ‘death by snu snu’.)
>Standing with a good head and shoulders taller than your fellow classmates, you sported a very muscular body that you were eager to show off and put to good use with the bimbo students. You had the utmost confidence in yourself, certain you could tame even the most perverted of girls you had no problem wooing… until you met Yona.
>You met the Yakyakistanian bombshell in the school’s hallway, standing so tall that your head only measured up the the deep cleavage exposed through her brown fur coat. Even though she exposed so little, you could still see so much like the outline of her thick nipples and her tree trunk sized thighs below the fur coat that led to her bare feet.
>You felt a powerful twinge of arousal when you realized that Yona was likely wearing nothing under her fur coat, and only had a moment to notice how her eager smile had a hint of predatory undertone to it before she pried it open and flashed her full nudity to you. Her massive juggs jiggled into view, as well as a presentation of her pudgy belly, wide hips, thick thighs, and a plump pussy dripping with a hunger for cock.
>“Does little man like Yona’s body?”
>You couldn’t respond. Yona had the thickest, most endowed body you’ve ever seen. Everywhere that counted seemed to be padded with thick jiggling fat, and even her cute belly had a delightful wobble to it. But you could also tell there was some powerful muscles hidden under all that soft flesh, knowing that if she wanted to, she could literally toss you around with little effort.
>Everything Yona had combined to form one irresistible package, and despite the almost overwhelming turn-on, there was also this undeniable, underlying fear of what could happen to you under the amorous amazon lust-fueled ministrations. Though, if there was any fear on your face, she didn’t notice and instead had her eager gaze pointed to the massive tent in your pants. Taking your visible arousal as a yes, she approached you.
>“Then little man make snu-snu with Yona!”
>Confirming your suspicions, Yona hoisted you up above and over her shoulder with a Herculean amount of strength. Again, the exhilaration of the idea of sex with such a powerful and well-endowed bimbo was interspersed with the desperate hope that you were left in one piece in the end, though with what little you knew of her now, she seemed as forward as Gilda when it came to her advances.
>You just prayed that you (and your pelvis) could survive Yona.
>Quite a commotion was stirred when Yona hastily carried you to the school’s infirmary with tears in her eyes and a slick trail of cum trailing down her legs, because it seemed that half the school had heard you both. With the Yakyakistanian amazon too broken up with worry and you semi-unconscious with the only words out of you were ‘worth it’, it was up to the school’s faculty to investigate.
>The only hint as to what happened was found in one of CHS’ classrooms, where they not only heard the sound of gravel being mashed repeatedly, but also found two huge beachball sized craters interlocked in a sideways figure-eight. While a good majority of students wondered what had happened as well as some of the other staff, the other more sexually-savvy members could easily deduce what occured with a knowing smirk, citing it as ‘something that’s happened plenty of times before’. The women of the Apple Family in particular seemed to be especially aware of what had went down, with an impressed Granny Smith even insisting on meeting Yona to give her some advice.
>Thankfully, the damage to your pelvis was (somehow) mild, and you would be able to leave the hospital with a clean bill of health no worse for wear in about a week. While you were recovering, despite being ogled by the nurses throughout your entire stay, you only had one girl on your mind through it all.
>Said girl was who you would encounter sometime after you arrived back at CHS, and after everyone was finished asking you what had happened to land you in the hospital in the first place. You wouldn’t tell them, and as soon as you got the chance, you and Yona met for a private chat.
>Yona looked at you with the most apologetic look she could muster, looking so small and meek despite being a head or three taller than you. She rubbed her wrists and asked…
>“Little man forgives Yona?”
>With which you forgave her immediately, and offered to sleep with her if she could be more careful.
>And as sweet as it was, the bear-crushing hug Yona gave you ran just as much of a risk of sending you right back to the hospital, but you didn’t mind because it was worth it.