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Anonymous #1F51
In my headcannon, the MLP ones go to a parallel Scotland set and enter an MLP Macbeth with Revenge of the Sith. When they tell Flash Sentyr of his Twylight’s ebtrayal, he denies and accuses them of lying until he hears the truth; thanks to the pony CMC trykcing Macbeth Twylight into admitting it. ANd when he appeals to her, Macbeth Twylight says this word and accuses him of leading their Sunset and magical creatures as well as their version of a certain rainbow-maned Wonderbolt (the MacDuff of this world) to her. And when she acciedentlaly hurts him, she accuses them of turning him on her to which our Twylight says with sadness ‘You’ve done it yourself’. And Macbeth Twylight accuses the few of lying about the Nun using her and also accuse Sunset’s plea to heal Flash of seeking to steal him from her. But she’s already lost him coz of her betrayal.