Terms of Service: I have the right to refuse or halt any commission for any reason given. Commissioned work may be put in my gallery as a sample of my work but it also may not be, if you specifically do NOT want any work featured then please let me know during your summary. You will have the freedom to post your commission anywhere with any purpose. You can manipulate and alter any commission as you please. If you have any problems with the final image I’m happy to talk with you to solve them however I will work up to 15 days after you’ve seen the image before I move onto the next project. The only reason any issue would take longer then 15 days to resolve is if the person requesting something to be changed or altered isn’t communicating correctly. If you do not communicate then I can’t help you. I will gladly make alterations if the image has any errors in it (brush stroke errors, coloring errors etc.) however I WILL NOT make alterations if you are at fault for the issue at hand within the final image due to poor communication. My artwork takes a lot of time to make, and I simply can’t redraw entire images every time someone forgets to specify the details they wanted. Please ask for my permission if you wish to share anything I send you privately into any space that can be considered a public setting. I do not accept abuse, harassment, sexism and/or discriminatory remarks, sexual harassment or any form of abuse of any kind, I work hard to be approachable and more important polite and friendly and I only ask that you do the same. If you are compassionate to me I will be compassionate to you. Failure to comply with my terms of service may result in termination of ongoing work and communication without repayment. These terms are for my protection as a freelance artist and will rarely come up as the majority of people I work with are understanding, kind and civil however such terms are important so please be aware of them when working with me professionally. By commissioning my work you’re agreeing to my terms of service.