Falling into the leadership position of the Wonderbolts is Spitfire, who also helps to run a campaigning system, and her second in command is Soarin. Fleetfoot, who was the former third in command, continues to work with the Wonderbolts, mainly focusing on running the Wonderbolt Academy.
While Rainbow Dash grew up having the option to become part of Equestria’s Air Force, she had always dreamed of being part of the Elite Force, which required special training, recognizable skill, and recommendation. Unfortunately for Dash, she was not willing to put in the work and effort, her pride and confidence blinding her. She convinced herself that she was good enough to be part of the Wonderbolts, and while that’s very true, that’s simply not enough to actually be a part of the team.
Eventually, her constant heroism and bravery proved she was worthy, and as a regular savior of Equestria, Rainbow Dash received a one of a kind letter from the Wonderbolts themselves, requesting her active presence in the force.
Currently, Rainbow Dash has her schedules filled. With multiple foals, teaching at Twilight’s school, serving in the military, saving Equestria, and much, much more, Rainbow Dash has less time than ever. This doesn’t stop the blue pegasus from doing whatever she wants, though!
Side Notes