And I am d-delighted to present some much needed Feather Bangs tickling…those hoovesies are dangerously underappreciated!
…Flash Sentry, Thunderlane and Party Favor all have a hoof-full, but nowhere near enough…Sandbar always needs tickles~ X3
Braeburn and Caramel, those cute farmboys need their giggles too! And Big Mac’s certainly got a giggle in him too! ^^
Sunburst is also rather sadly lacking…you know I’ve realised that not a lot of stallions get a lot of tickles. Artists of Derpibooru, w-would you pwetty please rectify this? <:3
Feather Bangs’ herd of marefriends set him up with a little surprise two week vacation in Ponyville, so thoughtful of them! ^^
Two weeks in the care of a pony named “Sunny Smile”, who gives his clients the time of their lives and for no charge at all! It almost sounds too good to be true, but that didn’t stop Feather Bangs from thanking his mares and going off on holiday……too good to be true indeed, for his cheeky mares neglected to mention Sunny Smile’s occupation…and what he’s known for in town~ >:3
Ponyville’s resident Tickler, who studied at the hooves of the master himself in the Canterlot Dungeons. He was more then happy to have another adorable little stallion with such sadly under-appreciated hoovesies into his tender care. Feather Bangs himself though, I think he feels a bit too appreciated right now~ ;3Sunny Smile figures two weeks with his newest tickle toy is a nice start, then he’ll see what to do with him from there. Who knows, if he’s a bad colt-or a really good one-he might be staying a lot longer~ >:3
Aw, don’t be like that Feather Bangs! It was free! :D“Getting into my dungeon is easy, the front door is open to anypony at any time…leaving again, ah…now that, my toys find to be a lot more challenging”