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Feature suggestions

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Anonymous #9F28
I’d like to suggest switching the default trending sorting back to “score”, rather than “wilson score”. IMO, wilson scoring doesn’t take into account how much the majority of people like something, and gives extra weight to haters.  
Derpibooru started using it to try and get a few SFW pics in trending, but unless that’s a goal here too, it doesn’t really seem useful.
Cloppy Hooves
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

It’d be kind of nice if you could change the order that categories appear on your profile. Right now it’s artwork, uploads, and galleries.
In my case, the artwork category includes everything other people upload of my work, like edits, or my old garbage.  
I’d like to have my profile customized so that it’s uploads, galleries, and then artwork. Everything I upload is my own new work so that’s what I want to prioritize at the top of my profile.
This of course is a real minor nitpick for me and not anything I pull my hair out over. If that’s something that’d be really easy to implement, then hell yeah. If not, it doesn’t really matter that much.
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Donor | Pinkie Pie - Pie family best family
Liberty Belle -

Senior Moderator
Glare Mare
@Cloppy Hooves  
If you don’t want edits of your work appearing first under your artwork, may I suggest asking for a alternate artist tag for your edits? Some artists do that when they don’t like all the edits under their name.
A simple change to artist:cloppy hooves_edits (or whatever you would wish to pick) would likely get rid of the stuff barring the view of your original work and clean your tag of it.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

It would be nice if the forum activity section would also show posts in forums you’re subscribed to. Sure there’s a notification, but if it’s recent activity it’d be quicker to just click the a link in the forum activity section than to click notifications and then click a link there.
Edit: Or is that just for forums you make? Either way, I think it’d be a nice, albeit minor, QoL improvement.
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
This is some mix of bug, feature, and possibly me not understanding.
Most sites will let you add or block a tag in your search while looking at an image. It looks like that is supposed to be supported here, as there are + signs next to tags on images, but they don’t do anything. There are no - signs.
On e621, clicking either symbol will add/exclude the tag from the search that brought you to the page.

Posted Report
Anonymous #EF64
The plus signs are for adding tags to your watch list, they turn to minus signs after they’ve been added so you can remove them from your watch list.
Posted Report
Anonymous #CA1B
They’re for essentially subscribing/unsubscribing from a tag. You can use my:watched to perform a search for every tag you’re subscribed to. You can even further curate that search in your settings.
For instance, say your watch list consists of applejack, tack, and balloon. my:watched will display every image tagged with applejack, tack, OR balloon.
Now, say you only want to see specifically rarity in bridles in your watched list. You can add (rarity, bridle) to your “watched list search string” in your settings.
Say you don’t want to see images with pinkie pie and balloon. You can add (pinkie pie, balloon) to your “watched list filter string” in your settings.
Now whenever you search for my:watched, you’re essentially performing the search “(applejack OR tack OR balloon OR (rarity AND bridle)) AND NOT (pinkie pie AND balloon)” in shorthand.
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