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Why did Derpi decide to kneel?https://ponybooru.org/forums/dis/topics#


I’ve been out of the loop for months and i only made this account just so i can easily migrate here if the derpApocalypse does happen.
i know that the censorship hubub was caused by an SJW “journalist” who had nothing better to do but i don’t know what happened to the mods who let it happen.
alls i can tell TheSmilingPony had something to do with it.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Derpibooru Ref-cute-gee
Combine mainstream media attention with Twitter mob attention and the personal politics of site staff and you have… well, this. Wootmaster (a prominent Twitter junkie and former channer who’s deluded himself into thinking he’s on some moral crusade) was the one who fed the journalist every bit of information for that article, while him and Dilarus (similar to Woot in “morals”, but draws way more “mouthpieces” than he does) have basically spearheaded a witch hunt that intends to wipe out any and all content that could even be slightly perceived as racist, even if it’s made as a joke or in total irony.
It’s a lot to explain, but the tl;dr is this triggers a back and forth of rule changes, some staff are given the boot or resign outright (notably Raptorshy), a chat log of the Discord server’s moderator/admin channel exposing damn near everything on the staff is leaked, and TSP is more than willing to talk on Twitter to the lynch mob but not to his own site and his own users.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Background Pony:“Fuck off Nazi assholes”  
Me:“Whoa,now,Nazis are people too,you don’t want to look intolerant,do you?”  
And my comment got deleted. They refused to recognize sarcasm. I got banned a while later for calling one of the guys calling us all nazis nazi. It was tense there for awhile.

No longer active
SJW’s have nothing better to do with their time than go around and find random and stupid stuff to get offended by. And honestly, I am glad I left Derpibooru, and I have no intention of ever going back there.
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