Random fact about yourself

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I don’t know what you mean unless you explicitly tell me.
I remember I was on an old site run by fat, ugly British lesbians who hated white people and Western civilization, and someone said, “My art is inspired by Asian art, but not Chinese and Japanese.”
I asked what that meant and EVERYONE got offended. “You know damn well what that means!”
But I didn’t. Because I can’t read minds. After a very long waste of time I finally got an answer. “Asian but not Chinese and Japanese” means “Korean and Japanese.”
That’s one of those things that’s technically true, but it weasels its way around a technicality like a slimy lawyer writing a EULA would hide a catch on page 22 where you’re signing your soul away. NO ONE would have figured that “Asian but not Chinese and Japanese” means “Korean and Japanese.”
And if you say you knew what that meant you’re a fucking liar.
Guam should change it’s name to Wham! That would be cool.
Posted Report
Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Princess of GREGGS
“My art is inspired by Asian art, but not Chinese and Japanese.”
“Asian but not Chinese and Japanese” means “Korean and Japanese.”
Disappointing. I was hoping to find some fellow admirers of Tuvan culture.
Posted Report
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Couple quiz results

True Generation

Your true generation is Gen X (62.5%).
Gen X: Gen X are the latchkey generation who often came home from school to an empty house. Witnessing their parents’ struggles with divorce and a changing economy, they became fiercely independent and resourceful. They’re skeptical of authority, valuing self-reliance and a strong work ethic. Often overlooked between the showier Millennials and Boomers, Gen Xers are pragmatists who juggle work-life balance with a DIY spirit, tackling challenges head-on. Musically defined by grunge and alternative rock, they value authenticity and a touch of pessimism. Comfortable with technology but not reliant on it; they’re the bridge between the analog and digital worlds. While sometimes seen as cynical, they possess a dry wit and a deep loyalty to close friends and family.


This makes you Bulbasaur (85%).
Bulbasaur embodies a harmony of nature and resilience. This curious creature, with its bright, inquisitive eyes, possesses a gentle spirit and a surprising amount of strength. Unlike its fiery or energetic counterparts, Bulbasaur finds power in patience and perseverance. The bulb on its back, a symbol of growth and potential, blossoms alongside Bulbasaur’s journey. This loyal companion isn’t afraid of hard work, using its sturdy vines to climb and explore. Bulbasaur’s nurturing nature shines through its care for the bulb, reflecting its compassion for others. Despite its unassuming demeanor, Bulbasaur possesses a hidden toughness, able to withstand harsh conditions and emerge ever stronger.

Clean Girl

Not Even Close: You have no elements of the clean girl aesthetic in your style.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Fleur de Lis
That’s the best one, and not just because I got it but because it’s objectively the best, and also because I got it.
I miss a lot about the world before the Internet took over.
@Adán Druego
Jordan Peterson dresses like a faggot, Matt Walsh is the bearded man who has the face of a faggot, and they’re both obsessed with faggots. They need a better hobby. Brett Cooper is like Alzheimer’s. Every time I see the name I look it up and I’m surprised to see it’s a chick with a man’s name, then I immediately forget who it is and go through the same process of discovery every time I see the name.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
How about who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
For me it used to be David Bowie, but since he’s died now I want a different person in every scene just to confuse the hell out of the audience.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Been going through the pages of this thread for an hour or so listening to this song on repeat (I feel this) and discovered I posted this anecdote twice years apart:
I went to school with this guy. It’s not fair to call him a kid. He was like 27 in high school. I think he must have been held back every year from the first through twelfth grade. He was like 6’7’’ and weighed like 280 pounds, black guy. I think he was retarded or something. Anyway, when you played volleyball, and I hated volleyball, that’s the sport I suck at the most. In baseball I can hit the ball reasonably well, and I can run and I can fake throwing good enough, and in basketball I can shoot free throws for hours, but there is no aspect of volleyball that I don’t suck at. Anyway, when you played volleyball you wanted this guy on your team because he was unstoppable. You wanted him to serve because his arms were cannons. He would spin his arm around like a cartoon character’s legs when they run and shout “CUCKOO!” every time he served and the ball went for miles. If someone tried to intercept it on the other team their arms would break. Sometimes the ball would become embedded in the ceiling and there would be no way of getting it back for the entire rest of the year. He would score like 100 times in a row before messing up and then the other team gets the ball I think, I don’t remember the rules.
This was the 9th grade. We were playing volleyball which is the shittest game ever. I really hate volleyball. So, this was 9th grade so we were all like 13-ish. There was this black kid. He must have been held back 27 times. He was a full-ass adult with sideburns. He was like 7 feet tall, 240 pounds. He was stronger than any 4 kids combined. When he was on my team that was the best. We had him serve. His arm is like a rocket. He would shout “Koo-koo!” spin his arm around like the road runner and then launch the ball with enough force to break someone’s face. He was a scoring machine. Several times he hit the ball so hard it got permanently stuck in the ceiling, which is about 50 feet above the ground. We lost so many fucking balls because he hit them into the ceiling.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
More Tests

Political Priority Test

Your approach to politics is like a man’s (46.15%).
(I might just add that 8% seems hella close. I wonder what’s the margin of error for this. Another test - not one here today - was at 60-40 and it said I just leaned slightly in one direction. I also think this test is biased because half the questions were explicitly ‘pick this first world feminism problem vs. this global problem affecting the entire population of poor people’.)

Adversarial Heterosexual Beliefs Test

Feminine Energy Test

Light Feminine Energy: High

Dark Feminine Energy: Average

This makes your energy typically light.

Toxic Masculinity Test

This makes you:

43.77% more prone to deceitfulness and arrogance than the average person.
19.69% more disposed to anger than the average person.
1.57% more heteronormative than the average person.
5.56% less homophobic than the average person.
14.62% more prone to toxic masculinity than the average person overall.

(I want to say this test was biased too, especially regard to the anger questions. I think they were worded confusingly, so a lot of times I just left the slider in the middle and the test appears to be counting those as favoring anger rather than opposing anger.)
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I visited a very old cemetery near where I live. These are almost all pre-Civil War graves, mostly from two of the most prominent founding families of the area. No new graves have been added in the past 100+ years even though about 2/3 of the land is vacant. Most of the monuments are in bad to very bad condition, some with words totally worn off, some knocked over and in pieces. A couple still look brand new despite being from 1891 and 1920 (if they are replacements they are at least 30+ years old because I remember them always being there).
I have never seen anyone go there. Even though the grass is always mowed I have never seen anyone mow it.
Despite being on a busy intersection of two major streets it was surprisingly peaceful and quiet with lovely birdsong.
It was nice.
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