And here we have the fledgling rulers of the new kingdom/city district of Ponyville. The once small town center of many interesting events and wacky times has now become another decorative piece and placement for the new alicorn royalty to reside over and maintain. The large castles and other various properties of the many ponies whom formerly existed and now are part of the alicorn fusions we see today cared fro by three of these ponies with utmost importance. Nopony was ever more eager to tackle this task than the trio family of Queen Fresh Care (Derpy Hooves, Carrot Top, Minuette, Mayor Mare), King Righteous Authority (Time Turner, Prince Blueblood, Wind Waker, Braeburn) and their daughter Princess Young Heart (Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Dinky Hooves). Being able to reside in their hometown and recall many a relationships and friendships giving them on the ground knowledge of the area and to the extent the needs of their citizens.