Page 22 - Meta-RoleplayingToday’s comic is about balancing out-of-character and in-character knowledge. Twilight’s player is just beginning to learn the finer points of this essential roleplaying practice.
DM: Alright, here’s what we’ll do: Twilight, you’re able to glean Rarity’s alignment and profession. Whether that means she’s lying is for you two to work out.
Twilight Sparkle: But I already know she’s an Evil Rogue. That doesn’t help me!
Fluttershy: Actually, I think… um… YOU knew, but Twilight didn’t until now. And, um, since Rarity is in-character right now, maybe you could…
Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Hmm… Twilight says: You don’t have to lie to me, Rarity. I know it’s hard keeping up a front like this without anybody noticing. Why don’t you tell me about the REAL Rarity?
Rarity: Everyone needs to keep appearances, Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: Your secret is safe with me.
Rarity: And your familiar?
Twilight Sparkle: Especially my familiar.
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