Page 517 - Hoofbump SimulatorOkay, I think I’m almost out of Tabitha St. Germain voice actor jokes. Maybe. Probably.…Oh wait, this whole arc is based on a premise that is one giant Tabitha St. Germain voice actor joke. Nevermind.
Princess Luna: I go to Mayor Mare and present my hoof for the traditional–
DM: You barely start to reach out before she’s cowering.
Rainbow Dash: Freakin’ wuss!
Princess Luna: Naturally, Luna is very confused. She presents the royal hoof to anypony else nearby.
DM: Each pony you gesture towards either does nothing or flinches like you’re about to hit them.
Princess Luna: Very well then.
Rarity: Be that way!
DM: Uh…
Princess Luna: Oh, whoops. Bit of Rarity slipped through there…
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