Original Description:
Twilight Sparkle
Sparkly princess ! *v*finished first exam so much happiness LSKJSDKSthis version has changed a lot since my first version that I posted on tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/aquagalaxysparklesenjoy !animal awareness**Knowing is always the first step (edit 1)**I’ve decided to make this journal and post if on every drawing that I will create from now on.
If you know, you have the power to spread it
Things to know…
Farm animals: What on your platter there? some nice meat. You think that poor children are sad? At least it isn’t a holocaust. Farm animals literally live in a holocaust their whole life. They are treated as nothing but tools of money. Who in the world would beat a child and leave them in a sunless room their whole life? Cut them alive? Let illness taint them until they’re blind? You think animals don’t have feelings? they have intelligence. That should be plainly obvious.
Read more about farm animals and support the cause here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/matt\-bershadker/what\-happens\-in\-the\-facto\_b\_4551032.html
Trophy Hunting: Ever seen some animal heads or skins anywhere and looked at them going “ oh its so fluffyart (c) meMLP (c) hasbro