Twilight: Sternly I never thought you three would pull such a mean prank. I’m afraid I’m going have to ask you to stay away from my school, and my students.
The CMC’s faces change from ones of shock to ones of pure angry and hate!
Scootaloo: Furious You’re a fraud, you know that?!
Twilight: Her stern expression changing into one of shock What?!
Scootaloo: Still furious You’re a fake! You’re no Headmare or Princess of Friendship!
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle: Also furious Yeah!
Twilight: Getting angry Watch your tongue, young lady! How dare you talk back to me like that!
Twilight’s jaw drop in shock
Apple Bloom: Angrily We just can’t believe how much of a pig you’ve become lately, Twilight!
Sweetie Belle: Furious We thought there was a lesson of your’s about listening to a friend and not falsely accusing anypony without accurate proof! Guess that also shows that you’re not a mare of her word and you only care about running your stupid school!
Twilight: Taken apart …W-W-Wait, girls, I…
Scootaloo: P—ed off Spare us your lies, Twilight! You don’t care about other ponies’ feelings, you only think about your own!
Sweetie Belle: Angry and upset We thought that you were our friend!
Twilight: Hurt by that remark But, I am your friend!
Apple Bloom: Crossly No, you’re not! Friends believe each other!
Sweetie Belle: Also crossly And clearly, you are NOT a friend!
Scootaloo: Fed up You know what?! We’re done with this place! And we’re done with YOU! We don’t want to be in a school that is run by a rotten purple eggplant! Come on, girls, let us leave this miserable animal to drown in her own stupidity!
Apple Bloom: Also had enough I agree!
Sweetie Belle: Feeling fed up as well Quite right!
The three fillies then storm off
Twilight: Now feeling remorseful Girls! Wait! Listen!
The CMC: Still angry Screw you, Twilight Sparkle! We’re going home!
Twilight: Upset Girls! Please!
The CMC: Not even caring Buck you, Twilight!
Apple Bloom: Far too angry We don’t to see or speak to you…ever again!
Sweetie Belle: Furious We hate you!
Scootaloo: P—ed off You’re dead to us, you vainglorious creature! You hear that?! DEAD!
The fillies march out of the School of Friendship, but not before slamming the door really hard
Twilight: Now feeling awful …Oh, sweet Celestia… What have I done…?
On my headcannon, the CMC react on such a way when they find out the truth of Marer Do Well including accidents Twylight and co cause, as well as how Twylight and co frame Rainbow for more extreme pranks to play them and more into helping in their Walking Dead prank. So many lies the few told and made. And they even accuse Twylight of making the academy to make her look good; a monument to herself. And they lose trust on her. And Scoodaloo is ashame she let Rainbow down., and sicken Twylight used her and her sister figures on her and more. Basically similar to The Boy Who Cried Wolf and Murder on the Orient Express.
It also rock if the siblings found out and were mad.