Around a beautiful beach where several beachgoers are at, it was a sunny day. However, the people shook a little, and then, it got a little louder when a giant creature was approaching the area.
“Who is that?” asked one woman, who took off her sunglasses, seeing an enormous creature, which appears to be a hippogriff.
Several people at the beach look surprised that a huge creature would be showing up at a place like this. “Nobody has seen some sorta creature like this one.” said the woman’s husband, also wearing sunglasses.
“Hello, little ones.” The creature spoke, with his voice being deep because he was at a large size. “The name is Terramar, and I am a hippogriff who comes from another world known as Equestria, and I live in Seaquestria.” The hippogriff added, revealing himself as Terramar, who is the sister of Silverstream and the son of Sky Beak and Queen Novo.
Terramar walked over the buildings so closer towards his legs, preferring to cause less damage in the process. The tinies moved out the way and give the large hippogriff some space, as his claws touched the sand.
“My, you sure love the beaches, don’t you?” asked one teenage girl, seeing that Terramar likes being around places like the ocean and other things.
“Indeed, I love being around places like these. They make me so comfortable, you all could’ve seen me as a giant seapony right now. Terramar told the tinies, really wishing he could be in his seapony form, but it make the tinies very wet and leave the visitors upset.
Terramar picked up some tinies and he played with them by nuzzling with them softly.
“That tickles!” said one woman who finds Terramar too playful when he is such a big hippogriff and still is showing kindness towards the tinies.
“I’m so sorry, but my beak is kinda big for everyone to be seeing right now.” Terramar said.
“Everything is so easy when you are just a hippogriff, you know?” One man told Terramar, considering that taking the size as a giant hippogriff is less dangerous when compared with a giant seapony.
“I could stay like this all day.” Terramar replied.
Terramar kept playing with the tinies, as he sat down, and watched as the tinies loved him no matter what size he was. He really finds that living large is important for the tinies as usual.