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Page 1685 - Blames of Chance
3rd May 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
Whenever narrative time dilates in a tabletop game, and actions have to be planned and executed on a scale of seconds, that’s always a stressful time for everyone involved. Especially the DM who has to figure out how it all resolves.
DM: So, regarding Discord’s response, is that your final answer?
Discord GM: Yes, yes it is, so get on with it already!
DM: Hmmmngh… Can I get a flat d20 roll from somebody?
Twilight Sparkle: Um, what?
Discord GM: Uh, what?
DM: Nothing that’s gonna cancel or backfire anyone’s actions here. I just need an open source of randomness for something.
Twilight Sparkle: Okayyy… I’ll roll it, I guess. <roll> That’ll be a… 9?
Pinkie Pie: Izzat bad?
DM: Depends on how you look at it, but it could’ve been worse.
Fluttershy: That’s… something?
Rarity: Are we going to find out what that roll means?
DM: Not right away, but soon enough. A few things are about to happen all at once, in quick succession. Bear with me.