Original Description:
Finally, here’s the main antagonist of Star Trek: Sunset Shimmer
The biggest and most dangerous adversary of Captain Shoichet, the USS Sunset Shimmer and the entire Federation ever faced: The Star Realm of Aridaginata, led by the gigantic Aridaginatan Queen (between the size of Optimus Prime and Megatron). The queen’s indestructible staff can vaporize enemies and fling starships light years away from her location. She is resistant to starship phasers (not even a Sovereign or Odyssey can stun her).
The Aridaginatans are far worse than the Klingons, Romulans, Borg, Dominion, Undine, Pakleds, and the Hurq alike. Not only they want to destroy the entire Federation. They want to conquer the entire universe.
They are the descendants of the Dazzlings, banished to Earth as humans by Starswirl the Bearded.
Voiced by: Tilda Swinton (aka the White Witch from Narnia)
Species: Aridaginatan (Queen)
Height: 32 feet
Weight: Same as 5 Boeing 747s
Abillities: electric shock, telekinesis, psyhic attacks, hypnotic music, resillience to weaponry (transphasic torpedos and ship phasers)