Exhumed Legume
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

He can’t keep getting away with it!
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
Got it. I suppose you have to know who they are.
Probably also help if they didn’t shrink it to the point that it’s unreadable.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Not a duck badge -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Even better, keep the ad but put a gateway page before that tells people not to donate since this is where all the traffic comes from.
Artist -

Married to Fluttershy
I’d recommend pulling the ad on here related to this
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

That’s the benefit of being poor for donating to these kind of “events” and not knowing about this Sam Hyde individual.
And good thinking of putting a big message warning others about this scam.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Not a duck badge -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Nice try, Hyde. You are now 0 and 2 for trying to fuck with horsefuckers. This was just weak.
Liberty Belle - A bell rings once again in honor of the unchained.  (Attended our anniversary picture.)

More Than Just A Fanboy
I don’t get anything of this. Thanks for make things clear.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Donor | Lyra -
Squirrel of Legend - A squirrel that was there in a time of great need
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
@Officer Hotpants  
that sam hyde could be potentially associated with said campaign and that you should be wary to send money to them.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Donor | Lyra -
Squirrel of Legend - A squirrel that was there in a time of great need
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
copying and pasting my response in the vent thread, so people know AnonTheAnon isnt actually associated with this “ad campaign”
Ive personally talked with AnonTheAnon, the man who produced that toilet pony art. While he hasnt specifically given a two thumbs up to the “advertisement campaign”, he thinks its a great use of his art, as it stands right now he thinks its pretty funny to say the least. My conversation with him was a few days ago so opinions may have changed. As for the link to sam hyde, he better not do anything, he cant keep getting away with it.
As for the person who runs the “ad campaign”, its a guy by the name “Brian Thomas Moffatt”. I havent personally confirmed the identity of the user, AnonTheAnon has said the name matches the person he contacted. I believe, but cannot confirm at this time, that this youtube channel, is behind the advertisement campaign
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
So what am I supposed to take away from this?

bich ass shitt
Charls > the current MDE