Original Description:
Even though she is a Queen, Fresh Care still finds it her duty to perform her many talents and jobs/hobbies that her component ponies called. From a political leader, to a gardener, dentist and of course a mailmare. Many a pony in Ponyville still not use to seeing their bottom heavy alicorn ruler floating above their head as she attempts to deliver mail, only for her to crash down into a clumsy adorable mess. Her eyes many times ending up in the same wonky state her pegasus component was always present with. Though such clumsiness and lack of regal attitude was a quality that many ponies adored their Queen for. The fact that Fresh Care, came from a few ponies that lived here in Ponyville from ponies that a good portion of them knew and respected. Thus alongside her kind and generally understanding and cooperating/charitable nature making her a well respected and beloved young royal for the still new Kingdom of Ponyville alongside her husband Righteous Authority and their daughter Young Heart.
Done by the awesome :iconshido-tara: