“Keys? Not recently.” McClank says going back to his work. “I did do a rather large one some weeks ago with weird symbols on it.”
“You did? Do you have a copy by any chance?” Mulberry asks.
“No, the mayor only wanted one made.” McClank replies.
Mulberry frowns, and then asks, “Well, do you remember what runes were on the key?”
“Hmm… One sec, I think I have a picture of that somewhere still.”
He reaches over with one of his long, spindly arms into a stack of papers set on top of an extinguished oven. The runes look like the ones that were on the door.
“Finished.” He grunts, holding up one of the runes and admiring his work.
Mulberry looks at the complete creation, and notices that it’s…
“Call” - “Teacher” - “Knowledge” - “Travel” - “Big”
Notably, there are seven of the “Big” runes.