“Heh, I’ve got more speed in one feather than that loser has in his whole body.”
Parents: Dumbbell and Cloudchaser
Species: Pegasus/Male
Special Talents: His strength and speed
Nicknames: Iron. That’s it, and it better stay that way.
Significant Other: (to be continued…?)
Voice Actor: Chris Pratt
Iron Weight, usually known amongst his friends simply as Iron, is the burly, brawny, and not-so-brainy son of Dumbbell and Cloudchaser. This fella resides in Cloudsdale with his parents and partner in crime, Thunderclap. He works diligently at the Weather Factory, and his strength proves invaluable to the thunderstorm unit. Of course, however, Iron doesn’t want to work in this cruddy factory with his parents forever! Like many pegasus colts and fillies, Iron Weight dreams of being a Wonderbolt. Everything he eats, studies, and talks about has to do with the amazing aerial team. Iron has been working hard since he was a colt - and would have a larger following of fans if this fella wasn’t an honest-to-Celestia, fantastically classic bully. Much to Dumbbell’s chagrin, his son has fallen into his hoofsteps in an almost scarily similar fashion. This fella uses his intimidating size to get his way or make a point. His big, booming voice is quite helpful too. Iron has quite the temper behind him (thanks to both parents) and if it appears a pony is gaining the upper hoof in a verbal argument, Iron gets scarier and scarier.
However, like all ponies, Iron isn’t 100% evil. In fact, he really likes flowers, and will frequent Cloudesdale’s retired florist Petunia Petals’ private garden. But Iron is a very angry colt. After all, that goody-two-hooves and snobby brother, Jetstream and Prism Storm, practically got Wonderbolt status handed to them on a silver platter. They didn’t need to work out every day, they didn’t have panic attacks over studying for the big test and just couldn’t remember anything. Then, that idiot Jetstream just throws it away and Prism knows he’s the best. Obviously, its up to Iron to knock them down a few pegs so they don’t make anypony else feel like absolute crud about themselves…