Regardless of what RT and Spicy have achieved in their lives, nothing could make them more proud than these two bundles of joy.
All the anxiety that RT was feeling
‘will she be a good mother?’
‘what if she screws up?’
‘Can she really do this?’
All melted away the moment these two were born and she lay eyes on them for the first time. She glanced at Spicy, and the two shared a smile and a nod, without words, an agreement that they’ve got this as long as they have eachother and they are gonna give these two the best darn lives they could ever hope for.
RT here, clutching her little colt so gently as he gazes curiously into her big brown eyes, as she wonders how she could create such an adorable thing (must be all Spicy she thought) but then that rainbow in both of their little manes would say otherwise…
and Spicy, already dad material making Azure giggle gently by not doing anything except smiling like an idiot. The two agree that she is going to be the naughty one out of the two.
They would swap back and forth holding the babies for hours, neither one wanting to go with out them in their hooves for even a second.
Made with passion by the lovely :iconrainbowtashie: whom it seems is fully engaged in mummy mode along with her horsebando in cuddling their lovely babas. Once again congrats boo!