Nickname(s): Sapphy (“Don’t call me that again.”)
Age: 19
Birthday: August 23rd
Parents: Rarity and Fancypants
Siblings: siblings that I don’t have names for yet
Other Family Members: Hondo Flanks (Grandfather) Cookie Crumbles (Grandmother) Sweetie Belle (Aunt) Cousins (Cousins)
Species: Unicorn
Residence: Canterlot
Backstory/Personality: A “very well-read pony”, or so she says. Ever since Sapphire Jewel was a teeny tiny foal, she enjoyed visiting her ‘Aunty’ Twilight’s castle to read a few books. Of course, being the oldest of Rarity and Fancy Pants, she was excpected to be a bit more.. sophisticated. She actually doesn’t really care about any of that, although, she can be a bit judgy at times, towards herself and everypony around her. Sapphire is very observant, and can almost always tell when somepony is around.