Page 203 - That Other BardTo answer the question that I’m sure is on everybody’s mind: Elizabethan sonnets
Pinkie Pie:
Zecora comes to Ponyville with not
a warning nor a sign. She hides behind
that evil cloak. From spot to other spot
she moves – What is it that she seeks to find?But this is also true: That when she’s here
what follows next; a wave of plague and curse.
A pony mad, another gone, and we’re
to wonder why Zecora leaves us worse.She is, no doubt, a vile enchantress mare
who dances in her evil forest hut
while mixing brews of deeply evil fare.
She wants a well-cooked pony in her gut!She’ll hypnotize you if you laze about,
so if you see her come, you’d best watch out!
Twilight Sparkle: Wow. Iambic pentameter and everything.
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