Link Validation

Artist -

I’ve now submitted 5 validation links. Each time, I specify “artist:PinkOcean93” in the tag. Each time, the link validates and says there is no tag associated with the link. I don’t have any work uploaded yet, I wanted to set my DNP to artist only preemptively. I have also tried leaving the tag field blank, with the same result. I am unaware of what more I need to do to get this sorted.
Addendum: I should also note that I have gone through the link validation process on derpi using the same tag and I did not have these issues.
Anonymous #F1EA
Disclaimer: I’m not a staff member.
Have you tried to sanitize your input before doing stuff? Because you are supposed to give a link to your user profile, not directly to pages that host a single piece of your art. You have effectively spammed the validation with bad links.
Thing is, the tag doesn’t show up because it literally doesn’t exists in the database. My guess would be to upload at least one picture first (the one you don’t care much about) and see if it change anything.
Artist -

Disclaimer: I’m not a staff member.
Have you tried to sanitize your input before doing stuff? Because you are supposed to give a link to your user profile, not directly to pages that host a single piece of your art. You have effectively spammed the validation with bad links.
Thing is, the tag doesn’t show up because it literally doesn’t exists in the database. My guess would be to upload at least one picture first (the one you don’t care much about) and see if it change anything.
Well, sorry for “spamming” but if that’s the case, the link creation page needs to be clear on that. My thought process is that as long as it’s a page only I have editing rights to, it shouldn’t matter. Staff can very easily verify that yes, the author of whoever edited the description of a piece of DA art to include a validation link has a name that matches up with the proposed tag. This isn’t rocket science and I don’t know why it should be.
Anonymous #030C
You’re right, this isn’t rocket science and the answer it seems to be there:  
Thing is, the tag doesn’t show up because it literally doesn’t exists in the database. My guess would be to upload at least one picture first (the one you don’t care much about) and see if it change anything.
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