Imagus sieve file for ponybooru

Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
If you’re like me and use the extension imagus to view images without needing to open them, you probably noticed it doesn’t work on ponybooru the same way it works on derpi. That’s simply because the extension doesn’t know how to handle the website, and needs a user-defined rule. Well, I spent a grand total of 8 minutes figuring out how to do it, and here’s the result. From my testing, it works, but it might have some flaws idk.
{"ponybooru":{"link":"^(?:ponybooru\\.org)\\/(?:images\\/)?(\\d__)(?:\\?)?.*","url":"$1","res":":\n$ = JSON.parse($._).image\nvar r = $.representations\nreturn [[\n $.format=='gif'||$.width<1200 && $.height<1200 ? r.full : ['#' __ r.full, r.large],\n ['['__$.created_at__']', $.name, $.description, $.tags, $.source_url].filter(Boolean).join(' | ')\n]]","img":"^cdn\\.ponybooru\\.org\\/img\\/(?:view\\/)?20\\d\\d\\/1?\\d\\/[123]?\\d\\/(\\d+)\\..*"}}
(copy-paste that into the “from text” field in imagus sieve import)
PS: In case you’re wondering “wtf is an imagus”—it’s a browser extension that lets you zoom onto images you see on the internet without much effort. It usually saves you a few clicks.
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