Financially Supporting Ponybooru

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Anonymous #43C3
I wish to financially support this site. Does it have a Patreon, Ko-Fi, or other subscription style financial support system? If not, how does this site plan to support server costs? If yes, where may i find the subscribe button?
Anonymous #E2FE
Zizzy has a personal patreon which he primarily used for TPA. Also  
But that’s not ponybooru-specific. I am guessing he will probably set up something in ponybooru’s name later, dunno. He’s probably more busy with making sure the site actually works right now.
Anonymous #4E03
That is definitely my concern, I’m pretty sure hosting ponybooru is NOT free. And to host increasing amounts of content will definitely cost something if not a lot. Having the safe advertisers will not allow for NSFW content and porn advertisers are just the shadiest thing ever, both (if they have not established the reasoning already) will kill this site the very day it took off. So yes, it needs to be self-sustained. How? We’ll see.
Anonymous #E361
Mod here  
While I cant speak for the financial route zizzy intends to go, he has confirmed previously access to over 8 terabytes of storage for use, as well as systems to support backups, and has plans for expansion of storage as needed.
Sorry I cant tell you more.
As one user alluded, Zizzys primary focus right now is website stability and I can confirm that to be true. Changes to rules and policies are also in the works, these changes should help clarify questions users have regarding our stance on various topics, but I cannot confirm what those changes are at this time.
All the info ive posted here has been collaborated from various public discussions, keep in mind things may be subject to change during these early beta stages.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Princeps Seraphim)
Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend, here to bear witness to the apocalypse
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (As the last toll rings)

The Eponym
Working on it. I’ve got a laundry list of things I need to do to improve the site, but I’m still catching up on dispatching all my existing and prior obligations.
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