Deviant Art Uploads & Sources. [Uploaders Please Read]

Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
So Deviant Art has an issue with uploading, even if you’re copying from Derpibooru in some cases.
What’s the issue? The code is only able to pull certain sized images, even after lots of tweaks.
Solution? Click a source if it exists and if there is a download button, click that, and upload that image with the same tags, request a merge if you’ve already uploaded.
Examples below, first one lower quality (higher compression), second one downloaded manually and uploaded. Fairly big difference.

Anonymous #6094
Derpi also has this or a similar problem, but it also seems to hash the proper image leading to me being unable to upload the proper image due to the hash although a somewhat smaller image is on the site. I should probably try and see if that’s still the case.
By the way, I cannot see a visual difference between these images, nor make one easily visible by taking the difference in GIMP, are you sure this is an actual problem and not just optimisation (I see they’re JPGs, but still)?
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #6094  
I verified there is a difference when importing jpg from deviant art. It’s not super noticeable. But when you zoom in on the drawing there is a lot of pixelation that occurs in the import. The quality is not as good.
Interestingly the pixelation does not occur if you are importing a png file from deviant art.
Anonymous #6094
>Maybe my eyes aren’t as good as I thought  
No, these specific pictures definitely do not have a visible difference as I said, but maybe that is the case for other pictures.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
One has a higher file size, and less compression. If it was vector based art it’d be really obvious with random pixels near clean lines.
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