Vent Thread

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I get this. (no comments on any user here as I have not been up to date on interactions). In a lot of spaces, left or right leaning, polarization leaves a lot more people in “combat mode” even in things that aren’t super political. Plus, outside of politics, you have lots of anger and people who are just wanting to fight and blow off steam because COVID lockdowns (though society was heading in a angrier direction before this, but that is a whole other topic).
@Anonymous #2759  
I think the problem is not just it becoming a majorly marketed event but the fact that it has abandoned passive neutrality as a option to reaction to it. Can I get by without posting a pride flag? Yeah, but there is increasing pressure to in a lot of fronts and many societal spaces require support, to the point of being creepy. There is no live and let live libertarianism to the movement anymore.
>Don’t hate the gays or bisexuals just for being gay or bisexuals since a lot of them are genuinely nice people,  
This has been my experience as well. Heck, trans people too. A lot of people are just trying to get by in this dark and crazy world and it would be nice if we could construct some sort of standard to coexist, though I am way more cynical of that now…
Have this happen on Palemoon a lot. Firefox rarely. If I recall, I think it has something to do with Google slowing down webpage delivery with non-chrome web browsers causing part of the page to be timed out or skipped over from loading.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
I tend to find Pride month pretty unobtrusive. In my experience it isn’t like black history month, where it’s the only thing tv, radio, and most sites want to push for all their worth.
Anonymous #2759
The world always had problems and certainly a lot of emergencies exists, bigotry it’s real and can be anywhere. My only gripe is that people nowadays have become drama queens and rather than appropiately dimension and understand a problem to bring real solutions they would rather have empty confort that in the long run it’s probably gonna make them miserable overtime. I mostly blame the schools and colleges, in hindsight I’m remembering lots of my school experiences were feel with fearmongering.
I’ll give you that. I can most of the time just filter content and call it a day. Besides, sometimes just plain indifference can still bring a message to those people.

@Anonymous #2759  
Well they are the people who gave us “silence is violence” and all that.
Priders: Why aren’t you flying our flag to show your support for us?  
Normies: Continued silence with an indifferent unfocused stare  
Priders: You want us to be violently murdered just for existing you filthy transphobe!
Anonymous #2759
Hey, not our fault they are bad at communicating themselves as well as maliciously misreading our behavior, even if it’s just silence.  
We can’t account account for absolutely everybody, otherwise your attempts to be harmless are only gonna harm you in the long run. Being polite and corteous doesn’t equal being harmless and pushovers after all.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I sent an email to myself with text I could copy and paste on another device I needed.  
At least, I thought I could copy and paste it. On my first try, I highlighted only my text. When I pasted it, only half of it was there, along with a bunch of garbage technical language, ads, and even information from other emails I hadn’t even opened. They certainly weren’t open on the email page I was currently copying text from.  
I finally got it all, by highlighting small bits and going bit by bit. There’s a weird bold font around seemingly random parts of the text, but that’s not a big deal.  
So this was a strange experience.
Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

They couldn’t deliver my package. It was inside the country for well over a month. It’s been going who knows where to who knows where for that long. Unbelievable! I bought it again with the refund. The good thing is that the price dropped. Let’s hope I can get it this time.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Best princess👗👑
Now, I’m pretty gay myself, but God damn I’m sick of pride month, so many gay ads.
I just want to appreciate cock in peace dammit.
Anonymous #2759
And yet people have the audacy to complain about “capitalistic corps” for making product placement everywhere and making ads of their products. Not gonna deny, the youtube ads are indeed annoying, and certainly a lot of corps are involved in the Pride Month, but between empty words of reassurance and a promotion of a meaty burger, I think I’d pick the later, at least in the later they actually offer you something.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Knight of Boops
There’s gay people, regular normal people who are like you in every way, with the slight difference that they prefer to have sex with their own gender.
Then there are QUEERS who have not only confused “gay” to be a personality trait but have decided to make it their sole personality trait.  
Everything they do just has to be the most SUPER GAY thing ever, and if you have any objection to it or find it even slightly offputting then they scream bloody murder and accuse you of the worst things.  
They simultaneously try to drag everything into the LGBT gravity well of Queerness, but then quickly expel anything they deem to be the “wrong kind” of gay, usually the kind that doesn’t agree with their choice of political representative.
Pride Month should be remained “Shamelessly Queer” month, cause that’s what it is. An excuse for Queers to be as odious and obnoxious as possible in all factors of life and be utterly shameless about it.
LGBT is not a description about sexuality, it’s an intersectional/cultural marxist political movement.
Sooner the public recognises these things, the better.
Anonymous #2759
Have you tried dating apps or something?  
Or maybe some pubs out there I think. I mean, I don’t have a couple either but maybe there might be someone for you. Plus it’s the internet, it’s full of femboys so maybe you’d find someone to date.
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