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Dex Stewart
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It’s the only one I’m actually a fan of.  
It was my first Transformers series I saw. For a long time, the only other exposure I had was some old toy commercials on my grandma’s Smurfs tapes and the Choose Your Own Adventure G1 books.
As a kid, I didn’t care for Beast Machines. I didn’t like the redesigns, I didn’t like that Rynox was gone (I didn’t stick around long enough for his eventual lame reveal), and I hated the new “dark” tone it went for. A few years later I watched some of Transformers Energon, and I liked it alright, but it didn’t have the appeal Beast Wars did. Eventually I tracked down the original G1 movie, and I thought it was pretty cool, though I barely knew who anyone was. I watched a chunk of G1 episodes, and wasn’t blown away. I think if I had seen it as a kid, I’d have liked it, but it was more action focused than BW, with decent characters, but nobody blew me away. Starscream was definitely my favorite character, and I’m glad he was one of the few characters who got to return in BW.  
I had lost interest in most Transformers stuff, aside from BW by the time I was in high school. My art teacher (awesome teacher, horrible taste in movies) had us watch the first Bayformers flick. I was so annoyed by Labouf’s mom. I was so happy to see her die violently on Robot Chicken.
Oh, yeah, Robot Chicken and it’s inspiration Toyfare Magazine were also big exposures I had to Transformers.  
I watched some of Transformers Prime because it was on Vortexx, the short lived Saturday morning block on CW. I saw the cgi animation and thought, It looks like BW! It was not like BW. I didn’t care for the heavy focus the human characters got. The transformers themselves were just uninteresting, and the animation didn’t impress me like G1 did.  
I tried watching that new Transformers show that has some BW characters, but it was aggressively dull. I didn’t like the new voices.
There’s also a new Beast Wars comic, an it’s pretty bland. It’s a reimagined take on the original Beast Wars, and it’s just not engaging.
I also tried watching the BW animes, not my thing.
I’m a weird fan who really only ever connected to Beast Wars.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
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That’s entirely fair. Beast Wars had a very bizarre charm to it, nice story, likable characters. War for Cybertron Trilogy totally ruined the BW characters, they nerfed poor Dino-Megs, but I liked the look of it and found it interesting in the first seasons. Cool to see the group again but underwhelming. G1 has its own charm to me as well, lots of goofy characters, even ones you don’t see often, or at all, also the fact that G1 and BW is connected is cool to me.
I mostly grew up on Bayverse since it came out when I was a kid. I think I remember Animated being on air but I don’t know, Bumblebee’s design definitely looked familiar and stuck with me for some reason. (I would recommend Animated if you haven’t seen it btw, it’s nice goofy fun. Also one of the most popular/loved series.)
I’ll agree Prime had too much focus on the all-so-perfect humans (c’mon, an 8 year old knowing how to hack Cybertronian tech?), but I absolutely adored the designs of the ‘bots, some of them really looked super badass.
Beast Wars II, the anime, is kind of a chore to watch imo. Lion Optimus- I mean Leo Convoy is pretty cool. Also giant dragon Galvatron.
Actually, Japan has their own Transformers timeline. Masterforce, Victory, Though you don’t really get the same cast as far as I know, aside from Headmasters I guess (I haven’t really seen it yet), it’s basically like watching some mecha/gundam anime with the Transformers logo. Also super cool designs.  
As for the comics, I only picked them up around 2016, reading all the spotlights, backstories, etc, leading up to MTMTE/Lost Light and I despised it. Sure designs and focus on lesser known characters is okay, but there was too much projecting and virtue-signaling from the writers. Also they make it to where you have to read G.I. Joe as well since Skywarp is part of the Joe team. Too much back-and-forth. I debated on reading the super old ones just for the heck of it, but haven’t decided.
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