Today is the 5th anniversary of Last Jedi.
So Twitter is full of weirdos insisting it was the best thing ever. Oh wait, they do that every day.
🎵If every day was christmas, it wouldn’t be Christmas at all🎵
I didn’t hate TLJ, but the constant shoving in my face that it’s the greatest thing ever is like in school I was indifferent to sports, but it was so overly pushed into every aspect, that indifference turned into outright dislike.
On the lighter side, I get to remember all the silly things in TLJ.
Remember when Galen Erso designed obvious death traps and figured no one would actually be stupid enough to use them in battle?
Luke contemplating murdering his nephew but it’s okay because he didn’t actually go through with it.
That time Leia turned into Superman.
The noble sacrifice of space Karen.
The absolutely necessary not filler at all b plot with Finn and girl who endangers his life multiple times going to space Vegas and rescuing space horses.
It wasn’t all bad. They finally kill Snoke.
The best scene got cut though.
And final thoughts