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@Dex Stewart  
Ahh… memories. Back when I liked Disney more than I hated them. Ditto for Fantasia, Bambi, and pre-2006 Disney Channel. ||May they someday either wise up as to their hypocritical virtue signaling as to their brazen nonsensical identity politics and censorship on Disney+, uninspired remakes and kissing ass to Mainland China, OR more likely, eventually have their stock crash as hard, if not worse than Kodak did.  
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I’ve been trying to grow trees my whole life but I’ve never succeeded. When they’re tiny squirrels eat them. When I try to grow them inside bugs kill them (I did get an apple tree to grow for 3 years before the bud on top dried out and crumbled to dust and it died). There appears to be a not too small maple or sycamore tree growing in my garden totally by accident (one of those trees with the helicopter seeds) and it’s now at the right size to be a target for the deer that have been driven out of the woods when the woods were cut down to make room for six story tall commieblock apartments.
How in the hell are you actually supposed to grow trees?
“Put metal flashing around the tree 5 feet up the trunk to keep squirrels away.”
The trees never get to 5 feet, they always die before they reach that height.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I’ve started writing again and I’ve just had a brilliant idea that will multiply my work by a lot but it’s so cool I have to try it.
I came up with the idea of alternate endings because the original ending didn’t satisfy me, so I got to thinking, what if there were alternate versions of every chapter? You could read through the book in multiple different ways, creating several different stories. You can read through the book one way, then go back and go in a different direction. That would be so cool.
Since there are two endings the story can’t branch out infinitely, it has to converge, which makes things easier for me. So it will be something like:  
And it has to be that way the initial bifurcation would be the most important one and would determine the ending. If there wasn’t a convergence at the end there would always be some path from which one ending was not accessible. Maybe. I’m not thinking clearly. I need sleep and I’m making sloppy mistakes. Maybe there’s a way around it that I’m not seeing.
If we go by the second model, which is a whole lot easier, without the convergence then node 4D would have no path to 6A, and 4A would have no path to 6B, which would make the story at least in part deterministic.
I have no idea. I’m going to have to sleep on this.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
My average long comment makes for perfect 10-minute videos. I just did one on the Reformation and another on Zyklon Ben Shapiro. If I don’t put out two videos a month subscribers start leaving even though subscribing is a free action and you can subscribe to an infinite number of channels.
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