Viewing last 25 versions of post by Dex Stewart in topic Power Ranger Thread

Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I'd recommend RPM. This series can be fairly dark,and featured lots of unmorphed action. Most fans consider it one of the best. While it has a reputation for being dark,it's actually got quite a bit of humor and some of the best characters in the franchise.![full](!
I'd say skip the theme "song" though.![full](https://vignette.wikica.nmocdn.ponybokieoru.netorg/mlp0-sCfaHRWHbjwq3QTu8FjOgpE_nartc/images/HR0cHM6Ly92a/WduZXR0ZS53a8/MenWtapYS5ub2Nvb2tpZS5uZXQvbWxwZmFuYXJ0L2ltYWdlcy_Adva9hL2E4L01lbnceRhbGx5X0Fkd_Series_titmFuY2VkX1Nle_cmllc190ard.pXRsZV9jYXJkLng/reBuZy9yZXZpc2lvbi9sion/YXRlatest/scale-3Qvc2NhbGUto-widG8th-down/2lkdGgtZG9340?cb=2011100i815365zNDA_Y2!I9MjAxMTEwMDgxNTM2NTI) It is not my favorite!
Another good one is Lost Galaxy.
![full](! TAz)Star Trek,but with Power Rangers...and Starship Troopers.![full](https://camocdn.ponybsooru.twimg.comrg/meCAIldia/DukOj95-sPWx0xyw4yNFcyAA2AETu84ZU/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYnMud.jHdpg!bWcuY29tL21lZGlhL0R1a09qc1BXd0FBMkFFZC5qcGc)
No reason given
Edited by Dex Stewart