Japan is over. Rather than turn their nation into a robot (which would be the most Japanese thing ever) they’ve decided to “culturally enrich” themselves with 800,000 Nigerians plus other foreigners.
Lemme get this straight (gay), You have Japan, the third largest economy in the world, with some of the most advanced technology the world has ever seen, probably the safest country on the planet with a crime rate so low that the police have taken to carrying groceries for old ladies because they have no policing to do, decides to import people whose only accomplishment is genocide, piracy, environmental destruction, and indolence in order to replace Japanese workers who are aging out? You take the laziest, lowest IQ, most violent people on the planet, who have accomplished nothing in 100,000 years, and reproduce like the plague, where one person works to support four able-bodied adults who are just so goddamn lazy they refuse to do anything but sleep and eat, and you expect importing nearly a million of these people will fix your own labor shortage?
How the fuck does that make any sense?
Just as an aside, we keep hearing how it’s impossible to deport a million people, but apparently it’s super easy to import a million people.
As an aside aside, the average IQ of Japan is 106, the highest in the world. The IQ of Nigeria is 67, 3 points below mental retardation. 50% of the country is literally retarded. That’s not hyperbole, that’s medical fact.