Big Bad Politics!

Anonymous #0847
@Anonymous #0A29
Why do you care so much when you never cared about tariffs other countries implement on the U.S.? You did not care things were expensive when the senile old creep and his cackling DEI hire were in charge and you would not have if she cheated her way to victory. You would just bitch that DA MAGATARDS are saying anything. That is all you care about. Bitching at your enemy because you hate for no other reasons.
Anonymous #0A29
@Anonymous #0847
just like what liberals have had to face for 8 years. Always the “liberals fault” calling them “Demonrats” “demokkkrats” yall were told to hate us by dear leader when he called us the enemy within. That inflation was trumps fault too, his actions directly led to it for us. We wouldnt have been in that situation of the orange retard listened to the experts in the first place. Keep sucking that dick of a billionaire who dont care bout ya tho. His great economy? Please that was obamas that he ruined. Oh im sorry most of the tariffs that were enacted against the US were cause of older GOP leadership like regean which news flash i wasnt alive for. The current tariffs should teach donnie a lesson that bullying tactics dont get results cause they will clap back. The only reason the tariffs are being stretched for another month is cause elon got threatened by canada with 100% tariffs on tesla and now its his bottom line about to be fucked with. Most of these tariffs harm more of the automotive industry then anything with the oil and parts we get from everywhere else.
Anonymous #0847
@Anonymous #0A29
For 8 years the so-called liberal kept labeling everyone nazis and fascists and then piss and moan when people do not like them. You are never at fault for anything because look for a scapegoat at every turn. He is either an incompetent moron or the greatest evil genius whichever your fake outrage needs him to be on a given day. The housing crisis started under Obama but oh right! it was actually Bush that caused all of the problems 7 years into Obama’s term. You are all eternal victims with a god complex.
You would celebrate the worst people imaginable if they said Trump was evil. You like it better when the leaders were limp-dicks and screwed over everyone except the billionaires the whine about the right people you don’t like so lonh as they blow the safest smoke up your ass.
Anonymous #1B27
Liberals are so fried from masturbating they have the figure of a fish stick, their very appearance should make them sex offenders.
Anonymous #5367
@Anonymous #0A29
For 8 years the so-called liberal kept labeling everyone nazis and fascists and then piss and moan when people do not like them.
Yeah, I know MAGA isn’t big on facts or self reflection or sexual consent, but Imma try and put it in a way you might but won’t understand.
If you are tired of being called a Nazi then have you tried not being a Nazi?
The housing crisis started under Obama but oh right! it was actually Bush that caused all of the problems 7 years into Obama’s term. You are all eternal victims with a god complex.
Yeah, and this is why Trump is currently trying to get rid of the DoE. Nobody with any education whatsoever would be dumb enough to vote for him otherwise.
Hey, retard, Obama came into office in 2009. The housing crisis began in 2007-2008. I know MAGA isn’t big on math or concepts of linear time or on having sex with someone that isn’t their sister, but I’m sure if you think really hard you can figure this quagmire out.
I’m sorry. I lied. I’m actually not sure you can do it.
Oh and STFU about your faux outrage at that retard comment, I’m just quoting Vivek and Elon.
You would celebrate the worst people imaginable if they said Trump was evil.
The worst people imaginable are the ones celebrating Trump so it’s a moot point.
Anonymous #5367
Literally from the same people who worships a man convicted of sexual assault/found liable for rape and who very vocally wants to fuck his own daughter.
Sorry not sorry, but MAGA has made it clear they are either completely okay with those or at the least don’t see a problem with it. Neither of which is a good outcome.
Also the same people who are represented/epitomized by the “Southerner” image, a broad demographic who has a reputation of, shall we say, “Keeping it in the family” only beaten out by ancient Egyptian pharaohs or the modern British monarchy. Not exactly helping the image paired with the above.
“Sweet Home Alabama?” Yeah because an Alabama couple sure ain’t inclined to find a mate outside the home they grew up in.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Hey, retard, Obama came into office in 2009. The housing crisis began in 2007-2008. I know MAGA isn’t big on math or concepts of linear time or on having sex with someone that isn’t their sister, but I’m sure if you think really hard you can figure this quagmire out.
I’m glad someone said it.
Anonymous #5367
Like yeah. You don’t even have to play the game of “Oh this was a powder keg lit under the last guy but blew up when the next guy came in.” This powder keg was lit by the Bush administration’s actions…well inaction actually, then blew up before he left.
Obama fumbled the crisis by following his predecessor’s policy and straight up rewarding the banks for crashing the global economy. That’s on Obozo. But the crisis itself happened under Jr’s watch.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Trump 2018: USMCA is the bestest deal in the history of deals, not even close. I’m proud of myself for negotiating it. I’m the best at negotiation. The best.
Trump 2025: USMCA is the worst deal in the history of deals, not even close. Who the hell negotiated this? It’s a disgrace.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Trump says the US will permanently occupy the Gaza Strip and relocate 2 million Palestinians at the expense of neighboring Arab countries (meaning US taxpayers, just like Mexico never paid for the wall, and how poor people pay for the tariffs through higher prices).
MAGA MIGA people, of course, don’t give a shit, because they’re sadists who only want to “own the libs”. They don’t care that this has nothing to do with making America great, it’s 100% about making America Israel’s bitch.
Anonymous #1B27
Hopefully Gen Z will be drafted and we can finally enjoy the internet once more.
Anonymous #0847
USAID has been defunded and a lot of leftists/Marxist rags and “personalities” have been having a meltdown as their money is now going to dry up.
Anonymous #0A29
@Anonymous #0847
Well looks like that 6 billion to US farmers is gone now. But we all expected it because of the project 2025 page focused on agriculture. Can’t believe they’d tear down a insignificant 1%.
Anonymous #2510
why are so many cops tatooed? maybe the liberal fagots thought that tattoos would mean that the cops are committed to liberalism and that they would be less sadistic? not at all. the cops continue to kill with the same sadism. they also have a serious amount of pagan tattoos, and who knows what these beasts have on their mind?
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