Here it is,the very first pic of Fargate.
Her humble origins can now be told.

The oc, Aryanne was under heavy scrutiny,new art of her was being banned,and the situation was tense. In an attempt to lighten the mood and also give a middle finger to the people instigating this nonsense,I put a joke from Aqua Teen Hunger Force over her cutie mark.
I made a few more.
With this next pic,her ties with Aryanne were loosening,and she was becoming her own character.
Even though these pics are obviously tongue in cheek and silly,I got alot of heat for these. I made this next one to reference the situation,and it's this pic that cemented Fargate in my mind as the best oc ever.>>97871p
That pic also included a post where I mentioned she had a sister named Findapendence Day. If another OC comes under fire in the future we'll get to see what she looks like...
My next pic with Fargate would be the first featuring art I drew myself.>>2648935p
It was also this pic I developed a backstory for her,which in true Aqua Teen fashion doesn't quite fit what she does.
The next pic was back to her roots and was an edited existing image.>>98213p
That pic came and went,and I made another.
This one started a war in the tags,and since no cutie mark is visible and no artist is credited,I assumed it would be fine to remove the OC:Aryanne tag. I was threatened by the miods to keep it there despite there being no connection. The argument was that the original image was "clearly meant to be" Aryanne. Too bad the artist couldn't give their input,not that I think that would matter to Derpibooru,since I once got permission from an artist to upload their art to the site and they still took it down.
From here on,I've done pics of Fargate interacting with various ATHF characters,and incorporating some MLP characters in as well.
Pony Life started around this point,and Dishwater Slog seemed to be a perfect replacement for Carl.>>2606945p>>2671964p>>2687670p
I'm looking forward to doing lots more Fargate.
I hope everyone else enjoys her too.>>2694916p